Carbon neutral strategy given go-ahead by politicians

Jersey's States Assembly has backed the Environment Minister's plans to make the island carbon neutral.

States members have now overwhelmingly voted for the amended strategy put forward by Deputy John Young by 41 votes to 0.

The Carbon Neutral Strategy was first lodged at the end of December 2019 and sets out how the island will seek to become carbon neutral by 2030.

It comes after a climate change emergency was declared in Jersey in May 2019.

At the heart of the strategy, the government says it wants a "people-powered" approach to help come up with ways to reduce the use of carbon in the island.

This will lead to the formation of a Citizens Panel from April 2020, to explore how fast Jersey’s transition is to carbon neutrality.

According to the latest figures, it is the transport sector which represents the largest emissions source in Jersey, equating to 51% of total greenhouse gases.

That is followed by emissions from heating in both domestic and commercial properties which represents 30% of greenhouse gases emitted into the island's atmosphere.

If the island is to achieve the proposals set out by 2030, then the Carbon Neutral Strategy states that it will 'require the rapid electrification of a large proportion of road transport and space heating in Jersey.'

Under current conservative figures by the government, it believes the cost could be around £200-240m, to reach net zero in heating and road transport by 2030.