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Weekdays 9am

Check Your Chaps

Soon Lorraine will be launching Check Your Chaps with couple Brian McFadden and Vogue Williams. It's an initiative aimed at raising awareness of testicular and prostate cancer - two of the most common cancers in men. We're encouraging viewers up and down the country to check their "chaps" regularly for the early signs of these cancers, throwing away the notion of embarrassment in hope of saving lives.

Testicular cancer

Each year in the UK around 2,300 men are diagnosed with testicular cancer, according to Cancer Research UK. Symptoms include lump or swelling in the testicles.

Prostate cancer

Every year over 41,000 men in the UK will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Around 10,000 of these men will die from the disease. It is the most common cancer in men in the UK and is estimated 1 in 8 men will develop the condition during their lifetime. These numbers are likely to increase dramatically over the next 5-10 years.

Get in touch

Do you have any questions for Dr Hilary about testicular and prostate cancer? Maybe you're concerned about the men in your life, whether you think they need to go to the doctors for more check ups or you think they might be showing symptoms of testicular or prostate cancer, No matter how embarrassing you feel your question is. Dr Hilary is here to answer any questions - as well as any other questions or concerns about your mens; private parts.

To send Hilary your question email us at lorraine@itv.com by 12 noon on Wednesday 11 February.

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Weekdays 9am