'I was Mick Philpott's first victim'
On the 4th April 2013, Mick Philpott was sentenced to life imprisonment for the manslaughter of six of his 17 children. They died in a house fire started by him, his wife Mairead and friend Paul Moseley in a bid to frame an ex who had spurned him.
However, before his horrific crime against his children, at the age of 22, Mick snuck into the bedroom of his teenage ex-girlfriend Kim Hill 15 (now 52) and stabbed her 27 times and left her for dead before turning the knife on her mother.
Now, almost a year after Mick was jailed for manslaughter, and 35 years after his brutal attack on Kim, she speaks to us about loving a monster and how she still suffers from nightmares of that night. Forensic Psychologist Dr Keri Nixon also joins us to explain how she believes Mick had a narcissistic personality disorder and targeted young, vulnerable women whom he could control.
He'd stabbed me 27 times and my mum 11 times
If I can't have you nobody is having you... Scream and you are going to be sorry