Discrimination and hate crime helplines
Gov UK
Crimes committed against someone because of their disability, gender-identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation are hate crimes and should be reported to the police.
Equality and Human Rights commission
Advice and Support: 0808 800 0082
We are an independent statutory body with the responsibility to encourage equality and diversity, eliminate unlawful discrimination, and protect and promote the human rights of everyone in Britain. We enforce equality legislation on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Our role is to make these rights and freedoms a reality for everyone.
Citizen’s Advice – Sexual Discrimination and Harassment at WorkAdviceline (England): 0800 144 8848
Advicelink (Wales): 0800 702 2020
You are protected by law against sexual harassment at work. This includes both men and women. It also includes people who are undergoing, have undergone or who are intending to undergo gender reassignment. This is where you are changing from one sex to another. Sexual harassment could include: unwelcome comments of a sexual nature, unnecessary touching or unwanted physical contact, leering at someone's body, displaying offensive material such as posters and sending offensive e-mails.
ACAS - Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
Helpline: 0300 123 1100
Discrimination, Bullying & Harassment
Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect at work. Bullying and harassment of any kind are in no-one's interest and should not be tolerated in the workplace, but if you are being bullied or harassed it can be difficult to know what to do about it. This leaflet gives employees basic information about bullying and harassment. Summarises the responsibilities of employers. Outlines some of the options open to you and points you to sources of further information and advice.
Stop Hate Crime
24hr Helpline: 0800 138 1625.
Stop Hate UK works alongside local strategic partnerships to tackle Hate Crime and discrimination, encourage reporting and support the individuals and communities it affects. We provide a toolkit to help improve local responses to Hate Crime and an alternative for people who do not wish to report Hate Crime to the police or other statutory agencies. Our helplines enable people to access independent support and information, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. We have an experienced and highly skilled team of staff and volunteers.
Victim Support
Supportline: 0808 1689 111
If you've been a victim of any crime or have been affected by a crime committed against someone you know, we can help you find the strength to deal with what you've been through. Our services are free and available to everyone, whether or not the crime has been reported and regardless of when it happened.
The Mix
Helpline: 0808 808 4994
Whether you’re 13, 25, or any age in between, we’re here to take on the embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts you have. We give you the information and support you need to deal with it all. We’ll connect you to experts and your peers who’ll give you the support and tools you need to take on any challenge you’re facing – for everything from homelessness to finding a job, from money to mental health, from break-ups to drugs. We’re a free and confidential multi-channel service. You choose how you access our support, without the worry of anyone else finding out. Whether it be through our articles and video content online or our phone, email, peer to peer and counselling services – we put the control in your hands.
Parents Helpline: 07496 682785www.kidscape.org.uk
Whatever your problem or concern we are here to support you. All problems, whether big or small, will be answered with the same level of care and concern. Your call will be treated as confidential and you can remain anonymous. A young person working at Youth2Youth will talk to you with your best interests in mind. They will listen to you, try to understand what it must be like for you, and try to help you come up with your own solutions to your problem. We realise it must be really difficult for you to tell your problem to a complete stranger so we will do our best to put you at ease. We are friendly, considerate and will listen to you whatever your problem or concern. For all young people aged 11-19 in the UK
PapyrusPapyrus HOPElineUK – 0800 068 41 41
SMS: 07786 209697www.papyrus-uk.org Support for those dealing with suicidal feelings, depression or emotional distress – particularly teenagers and young adults.