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Weekdays 10am-12:30pm

Can't Stop, Won't Stop Hoarding

We're probably all guilty of holding on to useless things in the hope we may need them one day but at what point does holding on become hoarding? When does cluttered become chaotic? When does disorderly become dysfunctional?

A new series meets people with various obsessions and compulsions. In the first episode we meet the people whose living rooms look more like landfill sites as their inability to throw anything away endangers their lives and tears their families apart. We're joined by Brian Ward whose 19-year hoarding habit resulted in a crisis clear-out that pushed his relationship with his daughter Heather to breaking point.

Can't Stop, Won't Stop Hoarding, Monday 17 Jan at 10pm on Channel 5

[For more advice see our compulsive hoarding helplines](http://Use our helplines to find out more information and advice on anxiety and panicUse our helplines to find out more information and advice on anxiety and panicwww.itv.com/thismorning/compulsive-hoarding-helplines)

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Weekdays 10am-12:30pm