Huge 53-mile diversion route revealed for one-mile A429 road closure

The A429 Kemble Road will be closed every weeknight until Thursday 20 April. Credit: Google

A 53-mile diversion has been put in place in Gloucestershire for a one-mile road closure.

The overnight closure of the A429 Kemble Road started on Tuesday 11 April. The road will be closed every weekday between 7pm and 7am until Thursday 20 April.

The official diversion takes drivers on a 53-mile excursion, out of Gloucestershire into Wiltshire, north of Corsham, then to the east of Yate and through Tetbury.

In a letter to residents, the Gloucestershire County Council said: "We have created an official diversion route which will be signposted and is suitable for all vehicles that would normally use the closed road.

"We appreciate you may know an alternative route, however, please be aware alternative routes which are outside of the road closure area are used at the driver’s discretion."

The council said it has promised to invest £150million in the county’s roads.

The official diversion (Blue dash) takes motorists on a 53 mile round trip Credit: Open Map Street Data 2002

It added: "We understand that road closures might cause some disruptions to you and may interrupt your regular journeys, however it is necessary in order for us to repair the road safely."

The council says the work involves hot asphalt and large equipment, with highway workers unable to allow traffic through the road closure. In the letter, the council said: "In exceptional circumstances, some level of access may be considered on a case-by-case basis but only where it does not impact our ability to undertake the necessary works and where it is safe to do so.

"Pedestrian access will be maintained to properties within the road closure, and you will be allowed to proceed when it is safe to do so."