Lucy Letby: Former hospital boss rejects claims he stalled police investigation into baby deaths

Tony Chambers gives evidence at the Thirlwall Inquiry. Credit: Crown

The former chief executive of the hospital where Lucy Letby attacked and murdered infants has rejected claims he stalled the police investigation into baby deaths there.

Giving evidence at the public inquiry into the circumstances of Letby's offending, Tony Chambers has described claims that he stalled the police probe, and sought to ruin the careers of two consultants, as “outrageous”.

Chambers did not ask Cheshire Constabulary to look into a mortality spike at the Countess of Chester Hospital’s neonatal unit until more than 10 months after he first became aware of concerns that Letby may be deliberating harming infants.

Instead the hospital commissioned a series of reviews into the increased number of deaths on the unit in 2015 and 2016, while Letby was redeployed to an administrative role, in response to fears voiced by consultant paediatricians after the deaths of two triplet boys on successive days in June 2016.

Lucy Letby is serving 15 whole life sentences for her crimes. Credit: Cheshire Police

In May 2017, police were finally brought in to investigate the concerns, although plans were in place weeks before to return Letby to the unit, after she launched a grievance against her redeployment, which was upheld.

The Thirlwall Inquiry heard Mr Chambers had a meeting with the hospital’s HR director on 11 May 2017, shortly after he spoke to police chiefs.

A note of the meeting, concerning senior consultants Dr Ravi Jayaram and Dr Stephen Brearey, was outlined “plan re management” and listed the words “GMC”, “mitigation from whistleblowers” and “action plan to manage out”.

Mr Chambers said he thought at the time the police did not seem to feel a criminal investigation was “likely”.

He said: “I needed to have it clear in my mind what would happen if this stance was not accepted by the consultants and there was resistance to try to move forward and focus on the safety of the neonatal unit.”

The Countess of Chester Hospital

Richard Baker KC, representing families of Letby’s victims, said: “You are making clear that if the consultants do not accept your decision to move on you are going to refer them to the GMC (General Medical Council) and potentially ruin their careers?”

Mr Chambers said: “No, that’s not what that note represents. That note represents a discussion that if the police inquiry does not go ahead then we may have a problem.

“We were almost just exploring how that might need to be resolved. It was never a plan.”

Mr Baker said: “I suggest to you this shows a very clear insight into your character.

“You were putting pressure on whistleblowers contrary to the hospital’s own patient safety policy and you were planning to have them disciplined and moved on if they didn’t accept it.”

Mr Chambers replied: “No, that is not the interpretation of this or my character. My character is such that we always had a focus on patient safety and the wellbeing of our staff.”

Lucy Letby Credit: SWNS

Mr Baker went on: “You sought at every stage to stall and obstruct the police being called or this being made public, and ultimately sought to ruin the careers of the consultants who brought this to your attention.

“That is utterly reprehensible behaviour and unfitting of a CEO in the NHS, isn’t it?”

Mr Chambers said: “Had that been what I had done then it would be, but I think it’s an outrageous statement and I do not believe that represents my actions.”

Letby, 34, from Hereford, is serving 15 whole-life orders after she was convicted at Manchester Crown Court of murdering seven infants and attempting to murder seven others, with two attempts on one of her victims, between June 2015 and June 2016.

The former Medical Director of the Countess of Chester Hospital has also addressed the inquiry, saying that he 'seriously regrets' not calling the police sooner. On Thursday Ian Harvey apologised to the families of the nurse's victims. Emma Sweeney has been following the inquest:

The inquiry, sitting at Liverpool Town Hall, is expected to sit until early 2025, with findings published by late autumn of that year.