Woman is reunited with the wedding rings she accidentally flushed down the toilet

An NHS worker from Merseyside has been reunited with her wedding rings, after accidentally flushing them down the toilet.

Angela Kipling, a 51-year-old medical secretary, had feared they were lost forever.

Her Husband Carl, 49, said his wife was distraught when she realised what had happened.

Credit: United Utilities

United Utilities were called in and sent a camera down the Kiplings’ sewer but couldn’t see anything sparkly as it travelled along the pipe.

What they did see was a bend in the pipe as it travelled under the drive.

After getting access to this part of the pipe they sifted through the debris that had collected there and among all the silt and sewage were Angela’s rings.

Lee Timmins of United Utilities with the rings Credit: United Utilities

Carl and Angela were over the moon. “These rings mean the world to us, they have a huge amount of sentimental value,” said Carl.