Jersey Women's Refuge announces rebrand as it celebrates 35th anniversary

Jersey Women's Refuge will now be known as FREEDA: Free from domestic abuse Credit: ITV Channel

Jersey Women's Refuge has announced it has changed its name, as it undergoes a rebrand.

The charity celebrated its 35th anniversary on 18 October and says it will now be called FREEDA: Free from Domestic Abuse.

The organisation says that FREEDA reflects the ways the charity is supporting and protecting islanders from domestic abuse.

The charity provides emotional support and a safe house for domestic abuse victims.

They hope that by holding outreach and prevention activities in schools, health settings, and workplaces FREEDA can extend its help.

A new larger safehouse was announced in July along with the two patrons the Bailiff of Jersey and Dr. Karen Kyd.

FREEDA CEO, Lisa Leventhal, says, "When Jersey Women’s Refuge was established 35 years ago, in the face of many barriers, it provided a fantastic and critically needed service for islanders. Since then, it has become so much more than just a safe house."

She added, "We are able to provide professional support to individuals experiencing financial abuse, or those who need access to legal support within the in-house legal clinic. I look forward to FREEDA evolving further and working towards a safer island, free from domestic abuse.” The organisation have also launched a new website, with easier accessible information. FREEDA will continue to provide all services including 24/7 safehouse access. The emergency contact remains the same on 0800 735 6836.

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