'Twiggy the tortoise' returned to Jersey, after being originally brought to the Zoo in 1965

  • Jersey Zoo's newest resident, Aldabra Giant Tortoises, arrived in November and are in a new purpose built enclosure

Four Aldabra giant tortoises are the newest residents at Jersey Zoo.

Twiggy has returned to Jersey after spending four decades at Bristol Zoo, where she lived with Biggie, Mike and Helen who have also made the journey to the island.

The reptiles are in a brand-new enclosure, named the Tortoise Tunnel. They arrived in November and now been released from quarantine.

Their new enclosure has both an indoor and outdoor area for the animals to enjoy Credit: ITV Channel

Their new home is around 30°C, with a humidity of 80%, ensuring they live in conditions similar to their natural habitat.

Aldabra giant tortoises can live for more than 150 years with some shells exceeding a metre in length.

The animals, along with their distantly related cousins, the Galapagos giant tortoise, are the largest species of tortoise in the world.

Biggie is now the heaviest resident at Jersey Zoo Credit: ITV Channel

One of Jersey Zoo's new tortoises weighs more than 200kg, which is now the heaviest animal at the zoo, overtaking their silverback gorilla.

Back in 1965, five giant tortoises were given to Gerald Durrell - including Twiggy.

Gerald Durrell talking to ITV Channel in 1966 about the tortoises given to the zoo.

Twiggy is now believed to be around 75-years-old.

"Twiggy, our smallest female, she used to be here at Jersey Zoo in the mid 60s to the mid 70s. She then went to Bristol Zoo in the UK, and now she came back home. I think she's enjoying it, we're really happy with that story, it's quite amazing."

She has now returned back home, which keeper, Matt, is very excited about. Credit: ITV Channel

The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust has been working with Aldabra tortoises for more than 20 years. After facing risk of extinction there are now more than 800 free-roaming Aldabra tortoises world-wide.