Testing for arrivals in Guernsey considered - but only seven days after travelling

Those travelling into Guernsey could receive a coronavirus test, but only seven days after arriving.

At present, all those travelling into Guernsey must self-isolate for 14 days.

But today, the Director of Public Health, Dr Nicola Brink, said the government is looking at potentially reducing this period and introducing a test on day seven instead - meaning arrivals would need to isolate for the first week.

She says anything sooner than this could provide inaccurate results.

The news comes on the final day of Guernsey's lockdown, as the island moves into phase five - 'the new normal' - tomorrow (20 June).

In Jersey, a scheme is currently being trialled whereby passengers are offered an optional test at the airport. They must then isolate only until they receive their results, rather than the full 14 days.

  • WATCH the full press conference here...