What it means if Guernsey developments are approved

Two major developments in Guernsey are up for approval today.

Plans for new homes and retail space at Leale's Yard, as well as a hotel and cinema at Admiral Park, are being considered at an open planning meeting.

Developers will find out today whether they have been given the final go ahead.

Here is what the plans would mean for Guernsey:

Leale's Yard

The Channel Islands Co-operative Society wants to turn the site into a "vibrant and thriving community". It is estimated the development could bring £300 million into the island.

  • 410 new homes built

  • 476 parking spaces

  • Commercial space for retailers

  • Public plaza

VIDEO: Take a tour of Leale's Yard

Admiral Park

Comprop wants to spend £70 million redeveloping the site, which is currently used for parking.

  • Multi-screen cinema

  • Hotel

  • New offices

  • A chreche

  • 700 parking spaces

Read more: Fate of two major Guernsey developments to be decided