£260k extra investment for education after Deputy Doublet's amendment passed

Credit: Thomas Eisenhuth/DPA/Press Association Images

Louise Doublet has won her amendment to invest more in education.

The States planned to invest £9 million per year over the next three years in education, as part of the Medium Term Financial Plan.

But those who investigated the figures said the ‘investment’ actually worked out as a cut to funds.

Louise Doublet asked the States to invest the £260,000 shortfall back into education.

The amendment has been passed in the States this morning and the extra investment will happen in 2016.

Most of the committed money is to be invested in such as IT systems and new building, which Deputy Doublet criticises as not 'proper' investement into pupils.

She says her scrutiny panel discovered most investment is going into 'basic' things they have to do to 'just stand still'.