Cumbria's PPC proposes rise in council tax for more bobbies on the beat
Households in Cumbria could be charged an extra £1 in council tax each month to bring more police on the streets.
Cumbria's Police and Crime Commissioner wants to make 25 additional police officers visible and present in local communities.
Today a public consultation has been set up for residents to respond to the proposal of increasing council tax for band D properties.
The funding would also contribute towards:
95 Police Community Support Officers visibly present in local communities.
An increase in the number of armed officers.
Improved protection of children from online grooming and exploitation.
Easier and better ways to contact the police.
The Commisioner, Peter McCall, says he has a difficult choice to make:
The proposal would see band D properties pay £11.97 per year. The largest number of properties in Cumbria fall into band B, which would pay an extra 78p a month.
This follows the Government's decision to give Police and Crime Commissioners more power to increase council tax to help improve services.
Chief Constable, Jerry Graham, says he believes the money will secure the future of local policing services:
The consultation can be found here.