Queen praises Borders restaurant owner for rescuing swan

Credit: Johnny Green/PA Archive/Press Association Images

A restaurant owner from the Borders would saved a young swan which was trapped in thick ice on a frozen loch has been praised by the Queen.

Buckingham Palace replied to a letter sent by a friend of Sandy Craig, who owns the Herges on the Loch restaurant, which described the dramatic rescue in Gun Knowe Loch, Tweedbank, in January.

Sandy Craig, 67, waded through freezing water and cut a path through the ice, using a spade, to free the cygnet which had been stuck in the same spot overnight.

The restaurant owner waded into the freezing water in Gun Knowe Loch, Tweedbank, to rescue the animal. Credit: Google Maps

It took him more than an hour to reach the distressed animal which was eventually taken into the care of the Scottish SPCA.

The young swan had to be put down due to the nature of its injuries.

In the UK, mute swans are protected by the Queen.