Helping the older generation get to grips with new technology during the pandemic
Watch a video report by ITV News Anglia's Kate Prout
Most of us have been using technology to keep in touch these last few months but not everyone has access to a computer or the skills to use one.
East Suffolk Council is trialling a scheme that lends tablets - or 'grandpads' to older residents to help them stay connected.
Sylvia Alexander from Lowestoft in Suffolk has been isolated in her own home for 18 weeks where she and her husband have kept busy. Now she's learning a new skill - how to keep busy online
The tablets have larger buttons than normal and are perhaps more intuitive than your average iPad.
Nicole Rickard from East Suffolk Council said: "We're hoping that people will eventually be able to use these and get online to do their shopping themselves so it makes them more self sufficient.
"Also potentially they can make video calls with their GP to save people going into GP practices and keeping in touch with friends and family which is really important to be able to share videos."
The Council has distributed 24 of the tablets free of charge, with free wi-fi and suitable training.
If it's a hit after a year they'd like to extend it further.