Why is the third crossing such a big deal for people in Lowestoft?

An artist's impression of how the bridge would look. Credit: Suffolk County Council

Video report by ITV News Anglia's David Hughes

After decades of campaigning, a Suffolk port is to get a third river crossing to ease congestion in the town.

Funding for the new bridge in Lowestoft was announced by David Cameron while on a visit to Felixstowe.

What's been proposed?

The new bridge would provide a link between Peto Way in the north and Tom Crisp Way in the south of the town.

It would be in a central location over Lake Lothing, and is expected to be situated in between the two existing crossings.

The bridge would be a single carriageway, with separate footways and cycle tracks.

Suffolk County Council say the crossing would cost in the region of £80 - £90million and it's hoped it will be open by the end of 2020.

Why do people argue the crossing is necessary?

Congestion is a big issue in Lowestoft. Credit: ITV News Anglia

People in Lowestoft have been campaigning about the need for a third crossing for more than 70 years.

Congestion is a big issue in the town because motorists often have to wait either side of the existing bridges when they're raised.

The County Council argue the current crossings in the East and West are inadequate for the traffic demand and say that poor infrastructure makes it harder to attract new businesses to the area.

They believe the new bridge would reduce traffic in the town centre and help to bring in fresh investment.

What has reaction been to the news?

The Prime Minister saw the congestion at first hand during a visit to Lowestoft before last year's election. Credit: ITV News Anglia

Waveney MP Peter Aldous believes the crossing will "unleash a feel good factor in the town."

He hosted David Cameron during a visit to Lowestoft before last year's election, and managed to persuade him that it was a problem that needed dealing with.

The reaction has been similarly positive at Suffolk County Council, with leader Cllr Colin Noble describing it as "a great moment for the people of Lowestoft and Suffolk."

Can we expect something similar in Ipswich?

A similar crossing has been proposed in Ipswich. Credit: ITV News Anglia

The Prime Minister was more reluctant to provide an update on a similar scheme that has been proposed for the waterfront in Ipswich.

That project would again cost between £80-£90 million.