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Weekdays 9am

Nominate your Woman of the Year

We're celebrating 60 years of the Women of the Year Awards and today we're launching the search for Lorraine's Inspirational Woman Of The Year - our special category. We'll be chatting to last year's winner Marilyn Baldwin and Louise Vaughan, whose grandmother founded the awards.

Marilyn won last year after she was recognised for her hard work launching charity Think Jessica, which protects vulnerable old people from scammers.

How to nominate your inspirational woman

Send an email to Lorraine@itv.com with the subject title ‘Woman of the Year’, and thefollowing information in the body of the email:

  • Your name and the name of your nominee

  • Your relationship to the nominee

  • Your nominee’s address and telephone number

  • Your address and telephone number

  • A description, no greater than 250 words, outlining why your nominee should be presented the Woman of the Year award including how they have inspired and improved the lives of others.

NB: Any entries that do not contain the above information and/or go over 250 words may not be considered, or only the first 250 words will be considered.

Please read these

• You must send in your nomination by midday on Friday 12 September 2014• You must both be a UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man resident aged 18 years orover only• You must ask your nominee before entering them• You may not nominate yourself• You and your nominee must be available for filming purposes or otherwise on two specified dates between Wednesday 17 September 2014 and Monday 6 October 2014 (inclusive)• You must be available to travel to London and attend the Women of the Year award ceremony on Monday 13 October 2014 and appear live on Lorraine if you win• You must read the full terms and conditions before entering

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Weekdays 9am