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Weekdays 9am

Hayley and Rosie's body image message

Tomorrow a Parliamentary Inquiry will begin which will investigate whether very thin models should be banned from British catwalks, after a petition calling for fashion week health checks reached nearly 100,000 signatures.

Lorraine is joined by model Rosie Nelson, who started the petition, as well as plus-size model Hayley Hasselhoff, to discuss the issue.

Caroline Nokes MP, who heads the All Party Parliamentary Group on Body Image, is to invite senior members of the fashion industry to get their views on whether legislation is needed to protect young models from feeling pressured to lose dangerous amounts of weight.

She said: "This is an industry which has failed over many years to regulate itself, we have repeatedly seen underweight, painfully thin models on the catwalk, and what the APPG will look at if there is a way that this can be regulated."

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Weekdays 9am