Exclusive survey on our struggles with stress
As part of National Stress Awareness Day , we've been finding out what makes you stressed and why.
Our exclusive Lorraine survey has revealed that 78 percent of you currently feel stressed, with 77 percent worrying about the long-term effects of stress on your health.
According to our survey, the main cause of stress is work and the thing you'd most like to ease stress levels is more money.
We were joined by busy working mum-of-four and ex-Atomic Kitten Natasha Hamilton along with stress management coach Yvonne Williams.
Organise and sort out a list of things you need to do, organise them in to must, could, should and into short, medium or long term lists. Remove anything from your list which absolutely does not have to be done tomorrow from your short term list.
Well being
Plan meals so that you aren’t snacking on the wrong things, and look at your sleep patterns and learn how to let go of the wrong things. Learn how to let go of worry by being prepared for the next day. Shift your perspective if you are having sleep problems - you can create emotional anchors that trigger the fear of being unable to sleep. Choose to tell yourself that you can sleep easily and wake feeling restored, a powerful affirmation.
The most important thing is to exercise, but not to just hit the gym, you can get outside in the fresh air. Take a walk, do the housework, anything that gets you moving. The result will make you feel less stressed. Try it! Go for a swim, anything that requires you to focus on a physical activity rather than sitting and worrying.
Ask for help
Get others to help you, whether it is in a small way like your children helping do the washing for you, or cleaning the house. See your GP. If you are worried your stress levels are overwhelming you, you don’t need to feel stressed on your own. Don’t take on so much, offload onto other people, remember you can say no!
When you are feeling stressed at work they key is communication and to speak to people about it. Speak to your line manager, your HR manager, someone you trust and can speak to with confidence. If you don’t feel able to talk to someone face to face, write it in an email, or practice your points with a partner or friend before speaking to your line manager. Don’t just carry on being stressed in silence.
Full results of our survey:
Do you currently feel stressed? Yes: 78%No: 22%
What makes you stressed? Work: 39%Money: 25%Kids: 15%Health: 12%Relationship: 10%
What do you to do de-stress?Sleep: 23%Exercise: 13%Drink: 11%Smoke: 10%Socialise: 8%Go on holiday: 3%Have sex: 2%Other: 30%
Do you worry about the long-term health effects of stress?Yes: 77%No: 23%
Have you seen your doctor this year because of stress?Yes: 68%No: 32%
Have you taken time off work this year because of stress? Yes: 78%No: 22%
What would help you feel less stressed? More money: 32%More help at home: 21% Reduced workload: 20%More time: 12%More sleep: 9%A holiday: 5%