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Corrie's Tisha Merry talks revenge porn storyline

You wouldn't walk around the street naked, you wouldn't want people to see that

Tisha Merry on her revenge porn storyline

Coronation Street's Steph Britton has her life turned upside down when her ex-boyfriend, Corrie newcomer Jamie, threatens to post compromising pictures of her online.

The 'revenge porn' storyline began in September, when Steph's brother Luke was blackmailed by Jamie, and it all unfolds next week.

Steph finds out about the bribe and photographs, but is unable to stop Jamie from posting them.

Tisha Merry, who plays Steph, joined Lorraine on the sofa to chat about her huge storyline and what it's like tackling a sensitive issue that can affect anyone, often with traumatic consequences.

Tisha said, "I hope when people watch it they think, 'I'm not going to do that, I'm going to think twice, this is what can happen'."

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Weekdays 9am