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Weekdays 9am

Dr Hilary assesses whether the new 10pm curfew is 'doing more harm than good'

Commenting on the latest coronavirus developments, Dr Hilary questioned the 10pm closing time for bars, pubs and restaurants in England, warning that the new curfew could end up doing more harm than good.

Watching scenes of people streaming out of bars and nightclubs, Dr Hilary told Lorraine, "There's not a great deal of social distancing going on. Alcohol means you become disinhibited, and you don't obey any social distancing rules.

"This is the problem - if you have a curfew at any given time, you're going to get a proportion of people who come out at the same time, and they're all together, and they're probably all taking public transport together.

"You need a staggered exit, in these places, and for people just to exert some common sense about social distancing."

Dr Hilary continued: "What I'd like these people to do is walk through, or be a fly on the wall in Accident and Emergency departments, intensive care units where we've got 180 people on ventilators, where we've got exhausted staff."

"What is the point in going out on a Thursday night and clapping for the NHS if you're just going to inundate them again any time soon with behaviour like that?"

Lorraine had a message of her own to share as she talked about the anti-lockdown protest that was held in London on Saturday.

"I was fuming at the weekend. The protests! I absolutely would love to take these people by the hand and show them the reality", she told Dr Hilary.

"Wouldn't you like our Kate Garraway to have a wee word with them, and tell them about the hell she's been living through with her husband? It's absolutely ridiculous and totally irresponsible."

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Weekdays 9am