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Weekdays | 6am-9am

How can you prevent a fear of flying?

We get into our cars which are 36 times more dangerous.

Patricia Furness-Smith on dealing with a fear of flying

Millions of people will be boarding planes this weekend as the Easter holidays begin, but many will be understandably nervous after this week's tragic events. Around a third of people have some kind of fear of flying, ranging from mild discomfort to paralysing anxiety.

A fear of flying can have drastic effects on people's lives, we spoke to Patricia Furness-Smith, a former flight attendant who now runs courses for people with a fear of flying. She said: "I have so much sorrow and sympathy for the families," she added, "we get into our cars which are 36 times more dangerous".

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Patricia's four-point plan to dealing with a phobia:

  • React

  • Feel upset do something

  • Regulate your breathing and slow it down

  • Relax your muscles and use your imagination constructively in stead of destructively

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Weekdays | 6am-9am