A turbulent year for Emmerdale's Andy Sugden
It's been an emotional rollercoaster!
After suffering through a serious farming accident, his nemesis' brother's return, and a traumatic wedding, it's safe to say it's been a turbulent year for long-time Emmerdale favourite Andy Sugden.
But things show no sign of looking up as Andy hits his lowest ebb this week, when he contemplates suicide following the recent, and completely unexpected death of his wife Katie, played by Sammy Winward.
Kelvin Fletcher joined us today to discuss the storyline - and says Sammy's exit is a blow for everyone.
He said: "It's sad for the show and for me personally. We've worked together for 15 years. She is a great friend and great work colleague."
Away from the Dales, Kelvin has been making an impact on the motor racing circuit.He says: "Acting and motorsport have always been my passions."
Emmerdale is on tonight at the earlier time of 6:45pm on ITV.