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Weekdays 10am-12:30pm

Our son was born with Treacher Collins syndrome

With the right attitude, you can go on to achieve anything ... be proud of who you are, love yourself, and you'll be just fine

Jono Lancaster

Karly Herriott and Luke Heath's world came crashing down around them when their newborn was whisked away for emergency treatment when he stopped breathing.

It transpired that their son Loui was born with a rare condition called Treacher Collins.

Today Karly and Luke bring Loui to the studio to chat about their emotional process of bonding with Loui and dealing with the condition, and they meet the inspirational Jono Lancaster, who shares his experiences on living with the condition.

Karly and Jono are raising money through fundraising website GoFundMe.

Treacher Collins Syndrome helplines

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Weekdays 10am-12:30pm