The best children's World Book Day costumes
This is your 3-day warning! World Book Day is almost upon us once again. But if you haven’t found the perfect outfit yet, fear not as Sian Welby will be joining us with some VERY cute models to show off the best ones from the supermarket & online.
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Teddy & Annalie: Both 2.5 years
Pirate (Top & Trousers)£5, Charity shop (In-store only)
Sword£2, Charity shop (In-store only)
Belt and Head Band (Home-made)
Ballerina Costume£22.99
Club Metallic Shaker Wings£9.60
Classic characters: Kaycen aged 2.5 & Mia aged 4
Matilda Costume£18.89 was £20.99
Movie main characters: Jake aged 6, Ilanah aged 2
Harry Potter£18.99 was £23.99
Simba£11.25 was £15 (25% off with code BOOK25)
Orion aged 2.5 & Amayah aged 3
Peter Rabbit£10.50 was £14 (25 off fancy dress)
Minnie Mouse£6 (Over 500+ results)