Dr Ranj
Junior Doctor Dr Ranj is on call to give a Second Opinion and to take a look at the truth behind the day's Health Headlines.
I’m best known for: the poo song... search for it on You Tube and you'll understand what I'm talking about!
The proudest moment of my career is: the choking item we did on This Morning... it's been viewed millions of times online and has actually helped save some lives. That makes me so proud!
The first thing I do in the morning is: have a cuppa... I just can't function if I don't!
My favourite breakfast is: eggs. Add a bit of salmon and avocado and I might just marry you.
The most famous person in my phonebook is: Kylie.
The actor who would play me in a film about This Morning is: Dev Patel. He's a legend.
My favourite memory from working on This Morning is: dressing up as a mummy for Hallowe'en. I looked like a giant tampon.
If I wasn’t featuring on This Morning, I’d be: working in hospital doing my other job!
You’d be surprised to learn that: I sing in a choir.
The one thing I couldn’t live without is: my phone. I'm permanently attached to it! That's not actually a good thing, is it?