Can you reverse type 2 diabetes?
New figures show that there are 3.8 million people living with diabetes in the UK, and 90% of those with type 2. But what if there was a way to prevent or even reverse this potentially fatal condition? Well according to Professor Roy Taylor there is. He joins us now to explain how.
Professor Roy explains the Newcastle diet
Stage one: “Stage one is the rapid weight loss phase — an eight to 12-week period using liquid meals, such as soups and low calorie shakes. This is the stage that will effectively reverse your diabetes. In my study we aimed for our patients to lose 15 kg and they needed to lose it fast. Doesn't matter how big you are. So someone who is 23 stone should get down to 20 stone. If they reverse their diabetes then they can remain at 20 stone, but if they haven’t then they need to lose more weight.”
Stage two: “Stage two allows the gradual reintroduction of real meals while avoiding the return of blood sugar problems. So when you have lost the weight, your diet will consist of shakes for breakfast and lunch but you can have a real meal at dinner. Then over a few weeks you add in meals for lunch and then breakfast.”
Stage three: “Finally, there’s stage three, a long-term plan of healthy eating, ensuring diabetes stays away, hopefully forever. You need to make sure you hold your weight at a healthy weight so the blood sugar stays down. You cannot fall back into old unhealthy habits.”