Could curry cure cancer?
Over the last couple of years we've seen many celebrities credit the indian spice turmeric with making them look more youthful, battle depression - and this weekend we even learnt that Gary Barlow believes that his daily 'turmeric latte' helps him lose weight.
But for 67-year-old Dieneke Ferguson, this simple spice has - in her opinion - saved her life. Dieneke was diagnosed with incurable multiple myeloma in 2007. After half a decade of failed medical intervention, including three rounds of chemotherapy, doctors told her treatment would have to stop.
Determined not to let the cancer beat her, Dieneke scoured the internet for an alternative and eventually turned to turmeric pills. Since then, a daily dose of turmeric has seen the cancer cells in Dieneke’s blood fall to minimal levels, she’s lived more than twice what was expected, and feels fighting fit.
She joins us alongside Dr Zoe to tell us more.