
Devon mother calls for drug to help with Muscular Dystrophy

A mother from Devon is calling for a potentially life changing muscular dystrophy drug to be made available on the NHS. Today she joined a group of campaigners at Downing Street who say the drug is taking too long arrive.

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Desperate families must keep waiting for drug that could save their children

Leo Le Gal's family say Translarna has slowed down the devastating symptoms of his illness. Credit: ITV News

Families desperate for the NHS to approve a drug that could change their children's lives have just found out they have to keep waiting.

The decision on whether to fund Translarna, which could be life-changing for children with muscular dystrophy, was expected to be this afternoon.

The mother of a boy from Devon who has the devastating muscle-wasting condition Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy has been fighting for the NHS to approve the drug, which is widely available in Europe.

Ruth Le Gal's son Leo is being treated with Translarna in America, and his family say they have seen huge improvements in the last few months - but they are desperate for the drug to be approved here as he is only being treated as part of a trial.

A decision won't now be made until NICE concludes its appraisal process.

"Children deteriorate very quickly who have got this illness and this medication can stop this illness, can keep them stable and keep them healthy."

– Ruth Le Gal, Leo's mother

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