
Prominent Devon farmer arrested over cannabis find

John Shears, a member of the Dartmoor National Park Authority and former branch chairman of the NFU, has been arrested after police found 200 cannabis plants at a farm in Devon.

Leading farmer arrested after police find cannabis plants

A member of the Dartmoor Park Authority has been arrested and bailed by police following the discovery of 189 cannabis plants at a farm in Devon.

69 year old John Shears, from Chagford near Newton Abbot, is a former branch chairman of the National Farmers Union.

John Shears, a former NFU branch chairman was arrested following a raid by police at a farm in Devon. Credit: ITV West Country

Devon and Cornwall Police also arrested three other men on suspicion of production of Class B drugs.

All four men were questioned at Launceston Police Station in Cornwall and are due to answer bail on August 7.

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