
Falmouth Hotel Fire

Fire crews have been tackling a fire at the Falmouth Beach Hotel. They were called to the scene just after midday. It is thought to have broken out in the bedrooms.

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All guests from Falmouth Beach hotel have been located

All guests from the Falmouth Beach Hotel have now been accounted for. Earlier this morning, there were three guests that hadn't contacted the police to let them know of their whereabouts. It was believed that they had been on day trips at the time of the fire. They have now been located.

Police are assisting the Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service in the investigation of the large fire at the Falmouth Beach Hotel in Cliff Road.

Devon and Cornwall police released the below statement:

Whilst both services are keeping an open mind there does not appear to be any suspicious circumstance at this time.It appears that the three people previously thought to be unaccounted for have now been located together with all other residents and staff. However Police and Fire services are still ascertaining as to whether any non residents may have been present and not yet come forward.

– Devon and Cornwall Police statement

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