How the West is celebrating Pancake day

It's Shrove Tuesday and you've been busy pancake making and taking part in pancake races. We'd love to see your pancake making attempts so send us some pictures

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Pancake day: which one do you think looks nicer?

Our reporter David Woodland has produced this pancake and is serving with lemon, sugar and syrup. Do you prefer a classic topping or do you like fruit with yours?

Pancake with lemon and sugar Credit: David Woodland

Or perhaps you like to freestyle and go for chocolate spread, syrup and lemon!

Chocolate spread, syrup and lemon Credit: David Woodland

ITV's Seth Conway has served his with blueberries...

Do you prefer Seth's pancake? Credit: Seth Conway

Or does ITV's Ken Goodwin's daughter Lucie get the prize for good pancake flipping?

Flipping pancakes Credit: Ken Goodwin


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