Damien Hirst sculpture wakes up with leg-warmers

Today is April Fool's Day and we've been keeping an eye out for the best, including Damien Hirst's statue in North Devon getting yarn-bombed.

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Mayor releases statement over Hirst statue's socks

Representatives of the Mayor of Ilfracombe say the town is 'awash with gossip' after Damien Hirst’s Verity was given a makeover.

Who knows why Verity has been given a rather fetching set of stripy tights?

Perhaps it was one of the Academy’s students looking to be the next Jean Paul Gaultier? Or maybe someone thought that Verity’s legs were looking a little cold? Or finally could there be a more extraterrestrial nature and that aliens have finally decided to pay a visit to a earth resort and leave a thank you?”

– Mayor Lynda Courtnadge

Ilfracombe Knitting Bombers have since claimed responsibility for dressing the statue in stripy socks.

'We did it' say Ilfracombe Knitting Bombers

People living in Ilfracombe woke up to find Verity wearing some eighties knitwear. Credit: ITV News West Country

The Ilfracombe Knitting Bombers have claimed responsibility for a giant pair of leg-warmers that appeared on a Damien Hirst statue in North Devon overnight.

The group say anonymous donations of wool can be dropped off at Ilfracombe market for future yarn bombing exploits.

The giant leg-warmers were put there as an April Fool's Day joke. Credit: ITV News West Country


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