New Chief Constable Announced

The new Chief Constable for Devon and Cornwall has been announced as Shaun Sawyer, subject to a confirmation hearing by the Police and Crime panel in early February.

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New Chief Constable "delighted" to be chosen

I am delighted to have been selected at this stage to be the new Chief Constable, and look forward to continue working with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Hogg, to provide the best possible policing service across the peninsula.

I would like to say how privileged I feel to have been given the opportunity to continue to lead such a dedicated and skilled workforce.

– Shaun Sawyer, proposed new Chief Constable

Our new Chief Constable is announced

Shaun Sawyer has been proposed as the new Chief Constable for Devon and Cornwall.

He has filled the role on a temporary basis since the departure of Stephen Otter in March. The post is now subject to a confirmation hearing by the Police and Crime panel in early February.

Shaun Sawyer has been proposed as the new Chief Constable Credit: ITV WESTCOUNTRY

There were five applicants for the post, and interviews took place in Exeter yesterday [Tuesday]. The selection and interview panel was led by Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg who was keen to stabilise the leadership of the Force as soon as possible. He said:

“A rigorous, transparent and very fair interview process culminated in a unanimous decision by the five strong panel.

Shaun Sawyer impressed us tremendously with his clear vision for the future of policing in this area, and I’m very much looking forward to working closely with him.”

Shaun began his police career in 1986 as a uniformed officer in London. More recently he was the Metropolitan Police lead for covert operations and intelligence and the lead for violent crime and geographic policing in South West London.

In 2008, Shaun was appointed as Head of Counter terrorism within Scotland Yard. He joined the Devon and Cornwall force as Deputy Chief Constable in April 2010.

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