Bristol mother joins forces with police to tackle drug driving after losing son
Watch Victoria Davies' report here.
Daniel Davies had recently celebrated his 16th birthday when he died on 17 April 2022.
Harry Charlton, 29, has been jailed for five years for causing his death by careless driving while over the prescribed limit of drugs.
The court heard how he drove through a red light at the through-about junction near Warmley and hit Daniel, who was driving his moped.
When he was tested, Charlton was found to be just over the legal limit for cannabis.
Daniel died at the scene after suffering a head injury.
Daniel’s mother Samantha still remembers that day like it was yesterday. She said: “I can remember walking to the ring road. I walked up to Daniel and he was laying on the ground with a white sheet over him.
"I got down on the floor, I just put my hands on his face and just spoke to him.”
Daniel’s story is now part of a police campaign highlighting the danger of drug driving.
During December, Avon and Somerset Police made 241 arrests for driving under the influence of drink and/or drugs as part of Operation Limit.
Drink driving accounted for 62% of arrests, while drug driving offences accounted for 38% of arrests.
Inspector Matt Boiles said: “The impacts of drug driving are really significant. On a person we catch you're looking at a prison sentence, fine or disqualification.
“In terms of the risk to other members of the public it increases your chance of being involved in a serious collision which puts other people at risk of harm, serious injury or even death.”
Since the start of last year 55 fatal and serious injury collisions in the Avon and Somerset Police force area have been linked to drink or drug driving.
Samantha said: “It's a mind-altering thing - so how can you safely be in control of a car if you've taken something mind-changing.
“I think a lot of people smoke cannabis and it wouldn't surprise me if they think it's fine and just drive.
“If you kill somebody you've got to live with it. He was a smart kid. I think he would have gone places - obviously I'll never know.”