Meet the Cheltenham toddler proving to be a surprising star in the sport of lawn bowls 

  • Bodhi Howell is just 20 months old, but is already proving a hit at his local club as ITV News' Ross Arnott reports

Bowls is traditionally a sport associated with slightly older generations, but one toddler in Cheltenham is proving to be a surprising star after taking up the hobby.

Bodhi Howell, who is just 20 months old, has recently joined Cheltenham Whaddon Bowling Club and is already proving to be a hit at the club where some members are 90 years his senior.

Club member Angela Utterdide, said: "He’s got to be the youngest bowler in the county, or the country… maybe even the world!"

"His Dad used to always walk by the club to take him to the park, but he doesn’t want to go there now, he wants to go to bowls," club member Debby Hooper added.

Bodhi Howell is a member of Cheltenham Whaddon Bowling Club and has been given his own jersey

Bodhi parent's, James and Hannah Howell, said he is very popular with the older members of the club.

"They love having him around and he's loved it. He's considerably lowered the average age of the club," Mr Howell said.

They added that they have never played bowls themselves, and don't know where Bodhi's love of the sport comes from.

Mrs Howell said: "We’re on an early wake up at the moment and bowls is often the first thing he wants to do. So we have been bowling up and down the landing upstairs."