MP calls for 'Cornish assembly' to avoid wider devolution deal for Cornwall
Cornwall's six MPs are calling for a meeting with the prime minister to discuss a possible devolution deal in the form of a Cornish Assembly.
Ben Maguire, the Liberal Democrat MP for North Cornwall, has asked Sir Keir Starmer to consider a deal for the duchy that recognises its "unique culture, language and national minority status".
It comes as local authorities are being encouraged by the new Labour government to join forces to have a greater say over policy areas, including local transport, planning and skills.
Mayoral devolution currently exists in just one part of the South West - in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire - with Labour MP Dan Norris currently holding the position of the West of England Combined Authority Mayor.
Devon and Torbay have also signed a deal which will transfer powers out of Westminster to the new combined authority. Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire Councils have similarly expressed interest in working together.
The combined authority model has been repeatedly rejected by Cornwall councillors and MPs, with the county's six new members of parliament determined to work together to get their desired outcome.
Mr Maguire said: "North Cornwall is an amazing place to live and work, but a top-down approach from Westminster has failed us.
"Public services are chronically underfunded, young people forced to move away to pursue careers elsewhere, and affordable housing is a promise that is simply never kept.
"Will the prime minister meet with all six Cornish MPs to discuss devolution for Cornwall, with a Cornish Assembly that recognises its unique culture, language and national minority status, so we can finally unleash Cornwall's economic potential?"
Responding in the House of Commons, the PM said he believes in "transferring power out of Westminster and into the hands of leaders who know their communities best".
But, in response to a bespoke devolution deal, Sir Keir said he is encouraging local authorities to "work with their neighbours to pursue deeper and wider devolution for their area".
He added that the new government is "already making steps in the South West" towards greater devolution, referring to the signed deal between Devon and Torbay.