Former lifeboat stolen by pirates becomes 'yellow submarine' for glamping near Cheddar

A lifeboat that was stolen by pirates off the coast of Africa has been transformed into an underwater-themed glamping spot.
Now found in a field near Cheddar, in Somerset, the "yellow submarine" is available for people to spend a night or two pretending they are 1000 leagues under the sea.
It comes complete with "shark detection systems," "giant octopus alerts," and "sea monster warning devices."
It was converted into accommodation by Andy Barton, who gutted the boat completely before fitting beds and a kitchen.
The lifeboat SS Jackie belonged to a tanker ship which was stolen by Somalian pirates in the Indian Ocean in 2019.
It was found years later drifting in the Solent, between the UK and Northern Spain.
Mr Barton, who has previously converted American school buses into glamping accommodation, bought the boat after a friend contacted him to say it was for sale.
"I've always done silly stuff like this," he said. "I was looking for something to do, so when a friend of mine informed me the boat was for sale, I thought, I want it!"
He said the boat was "horrible" inside, and had to be completely gutted before it was converted.
"It was full of oil and water and god knows what else, so we had to rip everything out, so it was just a bare shell," he explained.
As well as fitting it with beds and a kitchen, Mr Barton filled it with nautical devices for children to play with.
"It's a big yellow lump of silly, just trying to have a bit of fun," he said. "It's got all sorts of bits and bobs in there - silly things like sea monster detectors."
"I feel eight years old when I'm inside," he added.
The submarine can be found at Pedruth Paddocks campsite, next to Cheddar Gorge.