The plant in Gloucestershire growing so big it's taking over an entire office

  • Watch Richard Payne's report.

An office plant in Gloucestershire has grown so big that it has taken over the entire floor.

When owner Des Brennan brought it to the Stonehouse site 15 years ago, he couldn't have imagined how it would take over the office.

Des said: "It was around about 2008-2009 that I brought it into the office... and we put it exactly where it is now, in the corner, on this pillar - and the plant has just grown and grown and grown from there."

It's now estimated that the plant measures around 600 feet in length, though staff have given up trying to accurately calculate it.

Des said that despite its size and breadth, with leaves now spilling out across the ceiling, its proved popular.

"People love it, customers love it", he said.

The plant now grows right across the office and staff say they enjoy it - as long as there are no bugs or insects.

Holly Wright, a sales administrator who began two days ago, added: "It's not what you expect to see when you come in for an interview, but it adds a lot of life and colour to the office."

Another member of staff, account manager Charlotte Nutman, said: "I've got this thing about spiders and bugs, and I do check to make sure that there are no bugs on there - because I don't think I'd be working here if there were!"

Charlotte added: "It just grows so quickly, it surprising. You'll just be sat here, we'll be having a conversation and then it'll be like 'ooh, look, there's another shoot over there'. It just appears, the shoots just appear."

While the plant has spent around fifteen years growing, the owner Des says he has no intentions of stopping it from becoming even bigger.