Popular Devon funfair under threat after council hikes parking prices

A Devon town could lose its funfair if it does not make enough money this year.
The Rowlands family has attended the annual St Peter's Fair in Holsworthy for around a century, providing fairground rides and amusements at the week-long event.
However, on Monday 26 June, Rowlands Funfair announced that it could not attend this year's celebration due to an increase in council parking charges.
On Facebook it said: "Unfortunately, we have cancelled our fair for the annual St Peter’s Week Fair due to the council putting nearly 40 per cent on rental costs from last year.
"It’s unfeasible for us to attend. We love attending Holsworthy and it’s always nice to visit somewhere where events are few and far between.
"The locals always welcome us with open arms and it’s nice to visit the museum just adjacent to the fair.
"It's a town full of history and always a fair, but if prices will not be looked at it’s more than likely a fair will never come here again."
The committee that organises St Peter's Fair has been working behind the scenes to find a solution to the problem.
It announced on Facebook yesterday (28 June) that the funfair will go ahead as planned.
However, locals have been warned if they do not use it, they will lose it, as it has to be commercially viable.
Jon Hutchings, landlord of the White Hart Hotel in Holsworthy and entertainment co-ordinator of St Peter's Fair, said in the post: "Torridge District Council (TDC) increased the charges for parking on 1 April 1 by £1.30 per parking space.
"Rowlands Funfair were given an invoice last Wednesday which was significantly more than in previous years.
"When hiring TDC car parks you pay per space per day used. As the parking fees were set by Torridge councillors earlier in the year, a last minute negotiation with Torridge District Council officers was not possible and the prices are set across Torridge car parks.
"Rowlands said that with the increase in charges, bringing the funfair to Holsworthy just wasn’t viable.
"However, we did have the ability to negotiate with Rowlands and try and find a solution to reducing the charges locally.
"The agreement was that if we could bring down the cost to Rowlands in line with 2022 charges they would still come.
"With a lot of work going on in the background, the fair committee asked the town council to use one of their free car parking days.
"The council agreed (TDC give the town council 2.5 days per year to use at their discretion) and the remainder will be covered by the St Peter’s Fair entertainment committee.
"So there will be a Funfair!! Thank you to all the sponsors of St Peter’s Fair week and the town council who have enabled us to make a positive outcome.
"Hopefully, a better solution will be negotiated with TDC for future years.
"Please support the funfair! This really is a use it or lose it situation. Rowlands will open in the Manor car park from July 5 to 8. And to the Pretty Maid, you will get to go the fair!"
The naming of the Pretty Maid is one of the stranger parts of fair week in Holsworthy.
The new Pretty Maid is revealed through the west door of the local church and she opens the fair, which comes to town and stays for the rest of the week.
After the St Peter's Fair Lunch, the Pretty Maid visits all the residential homes and then returns to the church for the Pretty Maid Tea.
This year's fair is being held from 1 to 8 July and Rowlands Funfair will be at its usual spot in the Manor Car Park - but it could be its last year.
David Rowland Junior said he was pleased to still be a part of the fair.
He said: "Our family has been going there since 1930 so we have been part of the fair nearly 100 years.
"We applied to the council to use the car park, as usual, this year and the paperwork we received showed the invoice was 40 per cent more.
"It's only a small little town so it would not have been worth us going to this year so we cancelled.
"We were told around 300 emails were sent to the council asking about it which has resulted in the fair committee being able to pay the extra rent this year so it will still go ahead.
"But if we are not busy this year the town will lose it because the committee can't do it every year. If it is busy we will keep coming which we have always enjoyed."
TDC has assured that a meeting will be scheduled to prevent a similar situation from occurring next year.
Councillor Ken James, leader of Torridge District Council, said: "There are many factors involved in the process for the council to approve licenses for public events to take place, the agreement of price being one of them.
"Unfortunately, the council like all other organisations and businesses is not immune to inflation and other cost pressures and in many instances such as this they have to be passed on.
"The council is pleased that solutions have been found that enable Rowlands Funfair to be a part of the St Peter’s Fair which is an annual tradition for Holsworthy.
"The council has been in contact with the organisers and stakeholders to schedule a meeting to discuss how arrangements for future events can be held and planned well in advance in order to avoid the same situation arising in future."