Protesters warn of 'child soldier' recruitment as Falmouth celebrates national Armed Forces Day

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Falmouth hosted a national event to celebrate the work of Britain's armed forces.

On Saturday 24 June the town put on a spectacular day of military parades, fly-pasts from the Red Arrows, combat displays and parachute jumps.

The event is expected to help generate more than £5million for the local economy.

Parades took place through the streets of Falmouth. Credit: ITV News

But away from the pomp and celebrations, protesters set up a makeshift 'peace camp' and warned of the danger of 'child soldier recruitment'.

Rob Higgs, from the Ocean Rebellion group, said: "The kids aren't being given the full picture today about the genuine consequences of war.

"It's being presented as family entertainment. War is not family entertainment."

Sophie Miller added: "It's been a mixed response. We've had quite a lot of booing, which seems surprising considering we're just saying don't recruit child soldiers.

"We've also had a lot of conversations with people who are genuinely interested. What we're asking for is for the full picture to be presented to people."