'The Loo-vre': Take a look inside the Bristol toilet dubbed 'the world's smallest art gallery'
Watch as Annie Knowlson takes a look inside 'The Loo-vre'.
A toilet in Bristol is claiming the title of 'world's smallest art gallery'.
The space - known as 'The Loovre' - rolled the red carpet out when it opened in 2018.
It is so small only a couple of people are able to fit in it at once.
The room is run by community organisation Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft (PRSC).
Lisa Furness, PRSC venue manager, said: "We dedicated our entire community venue to the queue for the Loo-vre.
"My colleague dressed up in a tuxedo and ticked people in with one in one out.
"We had a couple of people blag and get to come in together as long as they promised to behave themselves while they were in here."
The tiny toilet first showed bathroom pictures on the walls.
A volunteer programme for young people to curate has since been started and is currently showing folklore reimagined for its theme.
Lisa said: "We've done this in order to make a little point about the elitism of art and about how actually art is for everybody and should be something we can all enjoy."