Fears over plans to build hundreds of new homes in historic Gloucestershire town

Gloucestershire residents say they fear plans for hundreds of new homes would 'turn their town into a dormitory'.

The plans submitted to the Forest of Dean District Council by developers would see the almost 60 acres of agricultural land in Newent used as a site for the homes.

The outline planning application is for up to 375 homes, a primary school with a nursery, almost 84,000 sq ft of 'employment land' and a centre with shops, cafes and a hot food takeaway.

The plans have been met with opposition already, with more than 160 people signing a petition against them.

Christine Howley, who set up the petition, said the proposals were “too much, too soon” for the town.

She said: “In recent years we have had development after development of new homes – most of them out of reach financially for our young people looking to get on the housing ladder. We have exceeded our new homes target in the Forest of Dean Local Plan.

“Our infrastructure is creaking and we are full to bursting point. But now there is an application for the biggest development we’ve seen yet, 375 new homes bringing nearly 1,000 new people to Newent.”

Plans include building 375 homes, a primary school and a centre which could have shops, cafes and a hot food takeaway. Credit: Robert Hitchins Ltd

Heather Roberts, another objector, said four new estates have been built in the last ten years all exiting along Meek Road, Onslow Road, Gloucester Street then to the busy junction that joins the B4215.

She said: “Newent currently does not have the infrastructure in place to support more residents as the schools and doctors practice are already busy and struggling to cope and we have no large chain supermarket here.

“I believe this development is only the start of a proposed larger one encompassing many fields behind this site making Newent a dormitory town for Gloucester with no identity.”

Consultants working on the scheme said the homes on the estate would provide a range of one to five bedroom homes 'which demonstrate that a high quality, responsive and sustainable development is achievable and deliverable for land south east of Newent'.

The design and access statement reads: “The overarching vision is to create a distinctive development with a strong identity that responds to the local character of the site, its position close to newly built development and environmental context, to deliver a new development appropriate to its location and setting.

“The proposed development will create much needed housing in Newent in a sustainable location whilst improving public access across the site and to the wider pedestrian and cycle network."

Residents have until 2 June to comment on the proposals.