Average speed cameras installed near St Austell in response to safety concerns
Average speed cameras are now operating along a busy section of the A3058 in Trewoon near St Austell.
The cameras have been installed in response to safety concerns from the local community.
Cornwall Council says the stretch is a key transport route to and from St Austell, and the road carries a large volume of traffic including HGVs.
St Mewan Parish Council and the village Speedwatch group highlighted concerns about the speed of traffic and difficulties for pedestrians in crossing safely.
Cornwall Councillor Michael Bunney, member for St Mewan and Grampound, said: "It is great news that average speed cameras have been introduced - I hope they will make a huge difference to drivers slowing down in the village.
"They will certainly improve safety and quality of life for residents and road users. Thank you to Cornwall Council and Devon & Cornwall Police for listening to the concerns raised by our community.
"The people of Trewoon and St Mewan Parish Council have been pressing for these for many years and it is testament to their hard work and commitment to the village.”
John Kneller, chair of St Mewan Parish Council, added: “Whenever we have held Community Speedwatch sessions on the A3058 in Trewoon, we regularly found over 10% of vehicles exceeding 35 mph. This is a busy road which intersects the village and pedestrians felt threatened by traffic when crossing the road or walking on the pavement including to St Mewan School.”
In the first week of operation, local residents say they have already seen a difference.
Sally Bourton from Trewoon Post Office, said: "The reduction in speed through the village is really noticeable already, many customers have commented that it's now a pleasure walking to the shops and being able to safely cross the road.”
Cornwall Council says that while requests for speed reduction measures often exceed the level of funding available, it is committed to reviewing issues raised and prioritising schemes accordingly.
Connor Donnithorne, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for transport, said: “The local community have been very clear in their support for measures which encourage drivers to slow down. However, as this is a strategic route, there are limited engineering options available to make physical changes to the highway.
“I would much rather drivers respected speed limits in place to protect residential areas than for speed cameras or highway changes to force them into it. But where there are issues, we will work with communities to assess the need and possible solutions.”
The speed limit along Cooperage Road through the centre of the village is 30mph.
Supt Adrian Leisk, strategic lead for roads policing, said: “Average Speed Enforcement Schemes have a proven record of reducing speeds and achieving very high levels of compliance with the posted limit.
"The camera columns are painted bright yellow and there is clear signage that an ‘Average Speed Check’ is in existence, so please take note and observe the speed limit.”