Why a herd of goats have been introduced to graze a park near the M32 in Bristol

The goats at Stoke Park Credit: ITV West Country

A herd of goats has been re-introduced to Stoke Park near the busy M32 on the outskirts of Bristol.

They were re-introduced earlier this month to graze the scrub around the Purdown Gun Battery.

People are now being asked to ensure they close gates behind them while dog-walkers should keep their pets on a lead.

A small shelter's been provided for the animals to give them protection against the weather and a quiet place to rest.

Volunteers have also put a water trough inside the shelter to make sure the goats have plenty to drink.

Grazing the land is a requirement of the Countryside Stewardship Scheme, a grant awarded by Defra which helps improve the landscape of Stoke Park.

Having the goats on the site creates mixed grass length, so wildflowers can grow and that in turn encourages insects and other wildlife.

The herd is managed by the community group 'Street Goat' which is asking people visiting the area to keep dogs on a lead and shut gates behind them.

There is also an alternative route around the edge of the fenced-off area where the goats are so people can walk without touching gates.