Opening of giant oil rig the 'See Monster' on Weston-super-Mare seafront delayed

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The opening of Weston-super-Mares Sea Monster has been delayed for the second time.

The long-awaited art installation which was supposed to be the town's top summer attraction now won't open until after the summer holidays.

It was expected that the disused oil rig, which will be displayed at the Tropicana, would be open in time for the August bank holiday on Monday - but its target opening date has been pushed back until the end of September.

The first trees were planted yesterday (23 August) and organisers are still confident that they are building something special there.

The See Monster is a world-first art installation

Patrick O'Mahony said: "The whole point of See Monster is its part of the community - and this weekend, on the August Bank Holiday, we start.

"We start the awakening process where we have three large-scale drone shows coming to Weston-super-Mare from the team that did Buckingham Palace. From the Queen's house to Weston-super-Mare, we're here and it starts our whole awakening programme.

"Three weeks of activities until you can finally get on board on our monster."

Organisers say that one of the main reasons for the month-long delay is the unpredictable weather over the past few months.

"The team have been incredible, from when we started a year ago to working in the Great British weather like we are today. But when you're doing something for the first time in the world, it's hard but you are the first people and it's the first time here in Weston."

The See Monster won't open till the end of September now, but organisers says its part of the community

The project will give visitors access to four levels including a seated amphitheatre and a broadcast studio to celebrate environmental sustainability.

John Turner from Visit Somerset described it as a "gigantic project", adding: "This is really going to put Somerset, North Somerset and Weston on the map culturally."

He added: "We're going to need guns out to really help the economy. Having this in place is just going to be that jewel in the crown, not only of the county but also the South West as well.