Meet the climate activist 'plogging' in a bid to clean up the UK's streets

A Bristol student behind a craze which has seen tonnes of rubbish picked up by jobbers has been given an award from the prime minister.
Vivek Gurav has been jogging while picking up litter - dubbed plogging - since he arrived in Bristol to study in September 2021.
A master's student at the University of Bristol has now been awarded the Points of Light award for his work.
He had been behind the craze in his home city of Pune, in west India, which has seen volunteers pick up more than 1,000 tonnes of rubbish.
After joining the university he started the 'Bristol Ploggers'. The 140-strong volunteer group have since covered 400 miles of streets, picking up 3,750kg of litter from all over the city.
The Points of Light award is awarded by the prime minister to inspirational volunteers who are making a change in their community.
Vivek said: “Finding out I’d won the award was a real goosebumps moment; I was really surprised.
“When I told my parents they asked if I was lying. They are really happy and my father said he was very proud of me. When they found out that the British Prime Minister recognised this they were so happy my mum and dad started crying.
“For me, it’s a real honour and a verification that things like plogging need to be done, both in India and the UK. I hope this award will really support and amplify our cause.
"Plogging focus on the environment while you're jogging and picking up litter so it focuses on your health as well, you have a multi-purpose action that can accomplish two goals at a time."
He said getting out on the streets to pick up litter is one of the simplest things individuals can do to help the environment.
Vivek, who goes plogging every day and comes back with a full bag of litter every time, added: "The city isn't as dirty as I thought it would be but I pick up a bag of litter going on an hour's jog.
"Picking is something that needs to be talked about in terms of mainstream climate action."