Glastonbury Festival 2023 packing list: What you can and can't take in as vapes added to banned list

Glastonbury Festival is just around the corner and it's time to start thinking about your packing list.
Those of you lucky enough to have a ticket will be spending up to five whole days at the Pilton site, so bringing the right supplies is important.
And although Glastonbury is a place to get away from it all and enjoy yourself, there are still some rules.
There is a strict list of things which are banned from the festival site and you could be evicted if you're found with any of them.
Here is Glastonbury Festival's recommended packing list - and the full lowdown on what you can't take in.
Glastonbury Festival packing list
Festival ticket
A reusable water bottle, to fill up from the free taps on site
Sleeping bag
Roll mat
Wellies or sturdy boots
Toilet roll
A warm jumper (it can get cold at night)
Sun cream
Waterproof coat
Enough change of clothes in case you get wet
Money/cards – many bars and traders will be accepting cards, but not all so please expect to use cash over the weekend
Medical info (if you have any allergies or medical conditions)
Medication if required (click here for the festival’s prescribed medication policy)
ID– Original ID documents (not photocopies) are needed for: Hospitality tickets, Challenge 21, Lead Booker for coach packages, Sunday tickets– Photocopy of ID is okay if a child is under 12 but looks older– Standard public ticket – no ID required as photo on ticket
Bags for dirty clothes and rubbish
Mark valuables with your house name and postcode so it can be posted back to you
Food and alcohol for personal consumption
What not to bring
More than you need - this may seem like an obvious one, but the walk from the car parks and entrances is long so only take what you need and what you can carry.
Disposable vapes - in a change for 2023, organisers are asking people not to take disposable vapes to the festival due to their environmental impact. They pollute the farm and can be hazardous at waste centres.
Gazebos - space is limited at campsites and gazebos take up valuable space. People are also asked not to tape off their camping areas as it makes it difficult for others to get to their tents.
Glass - all glass, including perfume and mirrors, will be confiscated if found.
Excess packaging - organisers ask festival-goers to remove excess packaging at home rather than take it to the site.
Non-biodegradable body glitter - biodegradable glitter can be bought from traders onsite.
Disposable wipes - organisers warn that even biodegradable wipes quickly break down into microplastics and pollute the environment.
Prohibited items
Portable laser equipment or pens
Animals (except registered guide dogs)
Sound systems or drums
Sky lanterns or kites, unauthorised fireworks, or wax flares
Organisers say festival-goers may be searched at the entrance for any items that may be used in an illegal or offensive manner – which will then be confiscated. Anyone suspected of carrying out illegal and/or offensive activities onsite may face eviction.