Urgent calls to relocate Devon primary school after constant flooding puts 'life at risk'
Watch the flooding at the school
Urgent calls have been made to help fund the relocation of a primary school in Devon which is currently on a 'risk to life' floodplain after it was hit by further devastation last week.
The Environment Agency has been deeply concerned about the welfare of children attending Tipton St John Primary School in Sidmouth since 2015 where it stated in a report there is a ‘risk to life’ of the children attending the school.
The agency says there is a serious flood risk in the area. The school, which has around 90 pupils, has been hit by repeated flooding with children being evacuated and the centre being shut on multiple occasions in recent years.
Heavy rainfall hit the site last week again with pictures and videos showing the extent of the damage caused.
Cllr Jess Bailey, who represents the Otter Valley on Devon County Council, has once again called on the Government to help fund the relocation of the school
The preferred option had been to try to relocate the school within the village - but a £3.5million bid to the Government was rejected and the flood risk means a rebuild on the current site was not viable.
It meant a move was considered the only realistic option.
Plans to relocate the school to Ottery St Mary, as part of a 150 home housing scheme, had been put forward, but in January 2021 the plans were rejected by East Devon councillors due to the housing element by 11 votes to two.
Cllr Bailey said: “It is vital that the government funds the relocation of Tipton St John school within the village of Tipton St John.
"This intolerable situation has been dragging on for years and the government needs to do the right thing. There is an established ‘risk to life’ from flooding, which is a matter of huge concern.
“It is not a matter of ‘if’ it is a matter of ‘when and how bad” the next flooding incident will be at Tipton St John School. I am very fearful of what this could mean for teachers and pupils as there is a clearly established ‘risk to life'.”
She said last week she was concerned about possible flooding at Tipton St John School just hours before the heavy rain.
Cllr Bailey added: “This situation cannot continue and I am urging the government to fund the relocation of the school within the village.
“I have emphasised the importance of flood risk being a key criteria for funding for new school buildings, particularly when there is an established 'risk to life', which is the case at Tipton St John.
“Strenuous efforts have been made by the Diocese, Devon County Council and the School Governors to relocate the school for over a decade now.
“Flood risk which is dangerous and poses a risk to life - as it is the case at Tipton St John - must be a key factor in assessing priorities. Not only does the flood risk at Tipton St John represent a threat to life, but also could cause long term closure of the school with significant educational disruption to pupils.
“And what is more, the flood risk is set to worsen significantly in coming years due to climate change making this an even more pressing issue.
“I do really feel that the government must fund the relocation of Tipton St John School within Tipton St John. This dangerous situation which represents a threat to life cannot be allowed to continue and the government must provide vital funding.”